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It is often forgotten how exaggerated campaign promises get. Once in for all, we would like to end this stigma. For that reason, our proposals are both tangible and attainable. The list is not exhaustive, and as ideas materialize, we will be sure to advertise the changes.


Representation serves as a fundamental base for our campaign. Students need a voice. We believe that effective governance begins at the grassroots. Here is a summary of our proposals:

  1. Student Group Assignments

  2. Proposal of Midterm SRTs

  3. Clean Energy Initiative

  4. Action on Affordable Housing

  5. Transportation Continuance

  6. Expand Vice President Role

  7. Expand COS Team Role

  8. Combine NITF & SATF under Outreach

  9. Combine Finance Team with Research & Data under Internal Operations

Crowd Protesting


Leadership is a guiding principle in all aspects embraced. The University of Minnesota is filled with great leaders. We need to empower these individuals by creating a distinct path to accountability and excellence. This is what we believe our leaders can accomplish as a step in their path to success: 

10. MSA Podcast
11. Increased Awareness for Research Opportunities

12. Outreach Program

13. Restructured Medical Amnesty Bill

14. Mental Health and Wellness Initiative

Public Demonstration


Integrity is necessary for effective communication, which is why it is dedicated as a guiding principle for the campaign. Although we have proposals in place, a viable path to increasing productivity is through employing a dynamic-fluid structure. Here are some ideas to incorporate this ideology: 

15. Enhancing Free Speech

16. Actions to Increase Transparency

17. Expanding Voter Registration

18. Platform for Student Involvement

19. Post 9/11 Memorial Celebration

Workers on Strike

For an appropriate elaboration, please check out our individual description of our proposals below!



The first initiative surrounding leadership is the assignment of all voting MSA members to student groups on-campus to better represent issues that at-focus. The expansion of campus bus routes to Como gives students living off-campus a more accessible means of transportation. The implementation of midterm course evaluation forms permit students to provide constructive feedback for professor teaching methods before they complete the course. A comprehensive clean-energy initiative with grounds, food services, and transportation will guide the university in the right direction for zero-waste implementation. Pursing the expansion of the campus zone pass for two additional light rail stops gifts students with the ability for more affordable off-campus hosing and greater access to other Minneapolis areas. The campaign will expand the role of the Vice President to oversee GLA and an Outreach Team that will expand with the encompassing of the NITF and SATF. The consolidation will ensure MSA works towards a unified, common good. The COS Team will move to oversee the Intern Program for expanding  involvement within MSA, as well as continuing current roles. The Finance Team and Research & Data will combine under the newly formulated Internal Operations team, consolidating their roles and once more certifying a standardized focus. The Internal Operations Team will report to the President.



An outreach program throughout the summer and academic year for underrepresented students throughout greater Minnesota will aid in enhancing stronger community relations. The formation of an MSA podcast will aid in bringing key issues surrounding student representation and advocacy to light. The podcast will increase transparency, awareness campaign, and will feature a weeks-long mental health and wellness feature. All students within athletics, greek life, and student organizations must complete a mandatory sexual assault prevention training. Finding greater avenues to advocate research opportunities, such as the UROP Program, will allow students to encounter more possibilities for meaningful work. In the forefront of all proposals is the need for mental health awareness progression and sexual assault awareness campaigns.



Our founding fathers fought long and hard for the establishment of our First Amendment rights. Therefore, it needs to be emphasized as to how to fully grasp and employ those rights. The new era of student government will focus on growing student voices and allowing them to voice their perspectives. Voting is a privilege provided to each United States citizen. Therefore, prior to this year's Presidential elections, we will expand MSA volunteers to encourage every student in an effort to maximize voter turnout. The creation of a 9/11 memorial event, focused not only on the lives honorably sacrificed but crimes committed within the countries invaded, will honor this national tragedy and all the tragedies that followed. In conclusion, our primary emphasis is on increasing transparency within MSA as well as to the entire student body. If successfully accomplished, this would lead to a more productive, efficient, and cherished student government.

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